Wedding proverbs
Wedding proverbs for your special day
The proverbs contain the so-called "wisdom of the people", we have collected some on the marriage taken from various countries
Rain on the day you get married brings good luck
Neither marriage nor war will go away once you start.
A good wife makes a good husband.
A good wife is the key to a good home.
Don't meddle in a quarel between a husband and his wife
The beautiful roses during May are a brides great joy.
Romantic love is a lightning bolt. Married love is an electric current.
Marriage is a mirror in which one sees a reflection of oneself.
Love and marriage, is like horse and carriage.
A happy man marries the girl he loves, but a happier man loves the girl he marries.
In marriage, tears and smiles make the music of life.
Fall seven times and stand up eight (Japanese Proverb)
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person